Thursday, December 16, 2010

Queue Tips: The Social Network

Apparently, "The Social Network" is not the sequel to "Network".  I think that would be "Network 2: The Revenge".  Or is it "The Network Never Sleeps"?  I don't know.

Anyway, it's completely different.  It's about this thing called Facebook.  Ever heard of it?  It's kind of like MySpace, which is kind of like Friendster, which is kind of like Xanga, which is kind of like OpenDiary, which is kind of like AOL.

But supposedly this guy who invented Facebook is some sort of a genius because his website is more popular than the others.  And supposedly this movie is really great because it's about Facebook.

Am I just me, or don't you need to be able to relate to the main character?  I found nothing redeeming about the guy.  Don't you have to show some kind of good in him to root for?  I didn't care at all what happened to him.

I also was not a big fan of the incessant music.  The soundtrack needed to be closer to Facebook and not some annoying MySpace profile where you have to go through the thousands of embedded pictures and icons just to find the audio player and hit the stop button.

Lastly, as you may have already heard, the producers actually took a real life Indian character and turned him into a Caucasian in the movie.  I don't understand that.  It's like when I watch all those hospital shows on TV and not see one Filipino nurse.  Go to any big city hospital, and you'll see what I mean.

But I digress.  This film is worth watching, but I don't understand all the hype around it.  Check it out when you get a chance.  Meanwhile, I'm working on my screenplay called "Anti-Social Network".  It's about a Blogspot blog that no one reads.

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