Saturday, December 18, 2010

Commuter Illiterate: Out standing.

So yesterday, I get off the train and walk along the platform with the masses at the 33rd Street station.  We turn around a corner towards the stairs, and there's these two ladies standing there talking away.  They were chatting about their holiday plans and what not.

See that crowd in the picture?  Imagine they are are all in a rush trying to get to work.  Now imagine two morons standing in the middle gabbing about their lives.

I don't know how long they had been there, but at that point, they didn't seem to realize that there were other people there, having to walk around them.  The swarm of commuters was diverging around them and they didn't notice it.  Where they simply oblivious, or did they simply not care?

I guess we'll just never know because we all had places to go.  Is it too much to expect people not to stand in the way in a busy area of midtown Manhattan?  Maybe it is, and we'll just have to deal with.

Some people ignored them.  Some people shook their heads.  As I walked by, I spoke out loud, "You're standing in the way!"  I don't know if they heard me.  I don't know if they moved.  But it felt good to say something and go on my merry way.

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