Monday, September 25, 2017

Memory Gland: My First Memory

My earliest memory that I can remember is when I was preschool age.  I was maybe five years old or younger.  I remember standing by a field with tall grasses and flowers.  It was a bright sunny day, with orange and yellow colors.  The field was actually an empty lot in front of my grandmother’s house at our compound in the Philippines.

For some reason, I was there alone with no one else around.  I was just like walking around wandering in the afternoon in front of their little terrace.  Except sometimes when I think about that field in front of me it feels like morning.  So I’m not sure if it’s two memories I’m mixing up.  Or a dream is mixing with them.  Or if the whole thing was a dream.

As I remember it, I am looking at myself from a high angle.  I can’t remember it from my own point of view where I was standing.  So maybe I imagined all of it somehow from pictures of myself as a kid.

Later on in real life, that empty lot is where we built our little store called Sunrise Bakery.  When I first entered preschool at Antique Christian Center, I remember changing and getting ready in that little building still under construction.

Speaking of ACC, there are three batches there for the little kids.  First, there is Nursery, then Kindergarten and lastly, Preparatory right before going into elementary school.  I am absolutely certain that I only attended one year there, which was the Preparatory class, yet my family sometimes insists that I was in there since Nursery.  I do have pictures of me in the prep uniform, which was blue, but not in the red Nursery or green Kinder.

But anyways, that’s my first memory as far as I can remember.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Letter to my future self.

Dear future self,

Yo, dude, what the fuck?

Past self.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

I hope 2017 will be better for us.