Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Queue Tips: Across the Spoiler Verse

I don't remember exactly when we went to watch "Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse" this summer.  I remember it was a rainy day.  I think we just did public skate at Montclair and then we headed over to Wayne AMC.  We don't usually go to the movies, but Rusty seemed to really like the first one.  (Actually, he had already seen this one thanks to some internet friend).  So I took him and Dusty and their mom to watch it.

It wasn't bad.  I actually got into it.  I liked the drumming montage in the beginning.  It was slightly convoluted, but I was able to follow.  

The only thing is - and here is the spoiler - it ends in a cliffhanger.  It's like, your following these guys for over a couple of hours and then they finally get somewhere, but it's not the end!  So after it ends and we walk out, I look at Rusty and I'm like, "You saw this already.  You knew how it ends.  And you didn't tell me?"  Now we gotta wait for the next one to find out what happens?  And he just kinda shrugged and mumbled.

The good thing is, it's been a while and I've forgotten most of the movie.  Including the ending.  I know it was a cliffhanger, but I don't remember the cliff or who was hanging.  

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Don't Be Squishy

I have been running again, kind of sort of semi regularly.  When I run, sometimes random words or phrases come into my head.  They just keep repeating and keep me in rhythm.  Some of those can be, "Hey, how are ya.  Hey, how are ya."  If you keep running for a long while, it can get really annoying.  But they are stuck in your head.  You can try to change it up, but the alternative can be finding an even more nonsensical phrase.  And they do evolve.  And they can be maddening.

Anyways, the other day it was raining a bit so today the ground was wet.  And sometimes you have no choice but to tread on the grass because of the routine of the path I take.  So at some points as I approach a grassy spot, I say in my head, "Don't be squishy, don't be squishy, don't be squishy."  That was the phrase for today.  The past few days actually.

At some points, it was not, but at some points it was squishy.


Saturday, August 5, 2023

Strong Decaf

Yesterday I ran out of regular coffee.  Well, it wasn't actually regular.  It was half-caf.  I was shopping a few weeks or months ago and while looking through the options, I saw this blue container labeled half-caf.  I decided to buy it.

For months before that I had been on the mild roast.  But for a long time, for many years, I had been on the strong roast.  What's it called?  Oh, dark roast.  And for a long while, too, I had been making like four scoops per brew.  And then I cut down to three.  Then two.  And then one.  I can't remember the exact intervals though, but I just gradually cut down over the years.  So until yesterday I was on one scoop of half-caf roast.

I had been considering restocking it, but I kinda forgot.  But I did have an almost full container of decaf in the cupboard.  I keep it there in case I felt like drinking coffee at night.  It rarely happens, but sometimes if I couldn't sleep or something and felt like it.  But also, a few days ago, I read somewhere that decaf isn't totally caffeine free.  That there is still some caffeine in there.  So I decided to give it a shot and see how I do.  

So today, I made a strong decaf.  I put two big scoops of it in the coffee maker and that is all I had for the day.  I figured if I started to feel bad, I can buy a regular cup outside somewhere.

But actually, I felt fine.  I felt okay.  So I think I will keep it up.  Hopefully I can finally not be dependent on caffeine again.  Let's see how it goes.