Sunday, January 9, 2011

IndieVisible: Point of no return.

I once told my film professor that there's not enough Slayer in movies.  He said, "There's a reason for that."  Well, whatever that reason is, it's stupid.

In any case, I decided to bring the movies to Slayer instead.  And then I thought, why not use footage by a great director who almost became a priest?  So here then is "Hallowed Point" cut to the images of Martin Scorsese's films.  Or vice versa.

As usual, I have no express permission to use either the music or movies, so I hope it's all right under fair use.  This is just one of those things that come into my head, and I needed to do it to get some sort of release.  And once I did it, what good is it if I didn't share it?

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