Tuesday, December 1, 2015


I started this blog about six years ago after we had our first kid. I figured it would be good to write about all the adventures that come with raising a baby. Well, fast forward to today and I've barely kept up with it.

The thing is, it's pretty tough finding time to write with a newborn in the house. Especially since we didn't have a big support system to help out. And sometimes when you do finally get some time to write, you're just too exhausted to do it. Also, I tried to have every post just perfect, but I couldn't always describe the moments as well as I wanted to.

Besides, with the few that I've already written, I've barely looked back on them anyway.

So what has happened since the last time I posted whenever that was? We moved out of our home of six years into a new place. We had another baby. Well, not we. My wife did. But I did the moving all by myself, what with my wife being pregnant and all. I should have just paid for a mover because it was pretty tiring and frustrating, to be honest. Maybe I'll explain all that in detail later on. If I feel like it.

My firstborn started elementary school. And that's kinda why we finally had another one. We sorta realized how soon time flies. We had been waiting for some sort of financial windfall, I guess. Which never came, of course. There were some slight improvements, though. One of them being that we finally paid of our car, and that made a huge difference. Plus, not having to pay for daycare with the firstborn going to a charter school. So then yeah, we had another one.

And that's kinda why I'm trying to revive this blog.

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