Tuesday, January 12, 2016


The Powerball jackpot is now over a billion dollars. Yes, I have my ticket. You gotta be in it to win it and all that. 

When these real big lotto games first came around, I had just turned 21. I thought maybe it was meant to be for me. So I did buy a few times. And then I never won. So I stopped buying it. Because what are the odds you would win it anyway? You're just wasting your money, right?

I went for a vacation in the Phillipines in 2001. I met some cousins whom I literally never knew existed. It was an enlightening and life changing family reunion. We dreamed out loud together about stuff we would do in the future. 

When I got back to the States, there was another big jackpot of over a hundred million dollars. I decided to play my cousins' birthdays. I walked over to the corner store and asked for a Big Game ticket. That's what it was called back then. 

I handed my dollar to the clerk and looked for the paper to fill in my numbers. When I turned back to the register, I was handed my lotto ticket. She had printed out a quick pick for me. I said, "No, I have my own numbers." She took back the ticket, entered my numbers and printed them. 

I didn't win. I don't remember what the numbers were, but sometimes I wonder if that quick pick ticket could have been the winning one. 

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