A couple of days ago, my wife brought my younger son to hockey practice, so I was at home with my older one. He is fifteen going on sixteen. Lately he has usually been sitting on the couch doing his homework. When procrastinating, he would play some music loud on his laptop while scrolling through his phone.
I remembered that it's March already and our Christmas tree was still up. We took down the lights immediately in January after Three Kings Day. I usually disassemble the tree and wrap them in garbage bags and then tape the garbage bags tight so they would all fit in the original box they came in. Only I didn't have tape at the time, or I didn't look hard enough to find them. I then found them later a few weeks ago but didn't get around to it.
Usually when we put up the tree or take them down, I would play a movie on my laptop. And then I would just place a camera in the corner of the room and record. At some point months or years later when I have time, I would edit it and fast forward to kind of make it look like a time lapse. It takes time because it could be a couple of hours of footage at least.
Anyways, I finally decided Tuesday night that it was time to take it down. I had had "Everybody Wants Some!!" on the queue for a while now. I had been avoiding watching it because I know I'll be watching it over and over again. I just did the same thing with "Dazed and Confused" recently, also written and directed by Linklater. I did so after watching the "Making Dazed" documentary. I also ended up reading his diary about the movie, as well as the script.
So even though Rusty already had a couple of devices going in the living room, I plopped down my laptop on the couch and started the movie. He didn't say anything or looked annoyed or anything. He just kind of slowly shifted his attention after hearing some of the dialogue and music. He eventually stopped going through his phone and just sat there watching while I took the tree down and packed it.
When I was done with the tree, I put it aside. I was glad that he was starting to get into the movie. I sat next to him and made a ham sandwich with no cheese and started eating. I figured my son would like it, especially being that it's a movie about athletes, which Rusty himself is. It's about college baseball players, and I kind of hope my son can have the same kind of experience playing sports in college. It would be hockey for him, of course.
Rusty enjoyed it. He laughed and made comments out loud to no one in particular. But when Willoughby is called over by the coach and goes off, he asked me directly, "What happened to Willoughby?" I just said, "We'll find out."
There were some almost uncomfortable moments because it's about guys trying to get laid for most of the movie. But we were seated at an angle where we didn't have to see each other eye to eye. That hit me in the beginning of the movie that there were going to be those kinds of scenes, but then I remembered I had seen worse than what was in this movie when I was sixteen. But then again, I didn't watch those movies with my dad. I mostly watched them alone.
Around the middle, Rusty asked, "What's this movie called?" He did grab his phone a couple of times here and there. I wonder if he was texting someone and telling him what he was doing. But I didn't pry.
About three fourths of the way, he got up to get something to eat. I asked if he wanted me to pause it and he said no. The kitchen wasn't that far, so he could still kind of hear it. And then he came back pretty quickly and didn't miss much.
At the end, when the couple was kissing in public, he said, "His friends are watching them, aren't they?" And he was right. He laughed when they started razzing the main character Jake and teasing him. Then when it ended a few minutes later, Rusty said, "That's it?" I said, "Yes". I asked him if he liked it, and he said yes.
And then there was a post credits scene where the characters sing in a minimized screen next to the credits. I noticed Rusty leaning in to get a closer look. When it finally finished, he said, "That song took a little too long." Or something like that. I said, "Well, they have to make it fit to the credits".
And with pretty perfect timing, my younger one Dusty and my wife came home. The garage door opened around when the credits started rolling. They stayed down in the den area because he has to take his gear out of the bag and let them dry overnight. When they came upstairs, the movie was done.
I then asked Rusty why he wasn't doing homework. I noticed him glancing at his laptop from time to time. I asked if he had to wait and check for assignments to pop up or something. They said, no, he was just procrastinating. I said something like, "So it's totally my fault you didn't do homework, right? If I didn't put on that movie, you would have been totally on it." He said yes, jokingly.
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