Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Timeout Boy at the High Line

Have you heard about the High Line Park in New York City?  Basically, the city took an old elevated train track and converted it into public space.  It opened a couple of years ago.  I wanted to explore it last year, but we didn't get a chance.  Plus, Timeout Boy was just learning to walk, and I didn't want to push around a big baby cart stroller.

This year, we bought ourselves a lightweight umbrella stroller.  One Saturday morning, we took the PATH Train to 14th Street.  We stopped by Chelsea Bagels and had breakfast.  Then we walked west towards Gansevoort and walked up the stairs easily, since we were able to fold the stroller and carry it up.

It's a nice park.  Here is a video:

It was fun, but it was narrow so we couldn't just let the kid run around and bump into people.  At the other end on 30th Street, there are some food trucks and benches.  However, we decided to walk over to my office and utilize the facilities.  We then ordered from Shorty's and ate at the conference room. 
We then took the Subway downtown and walked over the Brooklyn Bridge before calling it a day.


  1. I love the High Line. We went a couple of years ago, and I guess I remember the details so vividly because it's unlike anything I've been on. The images from your video brought them back, too. And you went to the Brooklyn Bridge. Sounds like an awesome day.

  2. Yes, it was a great day, although we lost a lot of time navigating the Subway and its weekend service changes. I'm glad the video was able to bring back memories!
