Monday, February 7, 2011

Queue Tips: Dawn tread on me.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Narnia who?

Narnia darn business!  Mwahahaha!

I love that lame little joke.  I look forward to "Chronicles of Narnia" movies just so I can tell it again.  When I first watched "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe", I didn't even realize what exactly a wardrobe was.  I thought it was just clothes.  I didn't know it also stood for the piece of furniture that holds the clothes.  I was like a little kid watching that movie.  I was like, "Ohhh, that's the wardrobe."  And later, "I guess she must be the witch."  And then when the lion showed up, I was like, "That's the lion!"  Well, I guess I already spoiled it by revealing that there's a lion, a witch and a wardrobe so I won't say anymore.  Put it on your queue if you haven't watched it yet.

I recommend "Prince Caspian", too.  There is a prince in there whose name is Caspian, but that's all I'm saying.  Apparently, some audiences didn't like this because it wasn't Christian enough or something.  I wasn't viewing the film in those terms, so I actually enjoyed this movie.  I never read the books either, so I was neither disappointed or appointed not disappointed in the plot.

"The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" was a bit of a letdown, even though I knew the two older kids weren't going to be in it.  I kind of feel bad for the young fans who weren't aware of this going into the film.  In addition to that, the Dawn Treader is a ship where the characters go on a voyage.  You don't actually see much of Narnia, and you see less characters than in the previous two films.

In this third installment, we are introduced to an annoying cousin not unlike the one in those Harry Potter stories.  I found him pretty damn irritating, which was the point, I guess.  I think maybe they could have used him more to show or re-introduce the Narnian characters.  "Dawn Treader" wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either.

And now, some Metallica:

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