Friday, August 30, 2024


My kid had a hockey tournament a couple of months ago.  Most of his teammates stayed at the same hotel.  We had a team dinner at a pizza place about 10 minutes away.  We were by the beach, and it was BYOB.  The moms sat together and had champagne.  The dads were on another table having beers.  I must have been the only adult there who wasn't drinking.  

I know the hotel was only a few miles away, but I just don't drink when I have to drive.  Even if it's just one.  It just doesn't make sense to me.  I want to enjoy my drink.  If I'm driving after that one drink, I'll have to really concentrate and that will just kill the buzz.  So what's the point?  

I actually had some High Noons in my room.  When we got back to the hotel, we watched the Stanley Cup Final in the lobby.  I brought a few cans down and drank there.  I was good and drunk when it was time to sleep.

Actually, I did have a drink and drove recently.  It was at a coaches' meeting.  Our head coach announced he was retiring, and I decided to join him and the other assistant coaches in having a drink.  It was just one High Noon.  I can't remember the flavor.  And I was fine driving home.  Also, my kids weren't with me so I was a little more comfortable taking that chance.

Before that, it had been a really long time when I had a drink and drove.  It was around college.  We were hanging out at a friend's house in the Bronx.  I had been planning on spending the night and was drinking a lot, as I used to do.  But in the early morning, one of my friends said he had to get home because he had work in the morning.  I can't remember the details.  I can't remember if he was my ride.  But somehow I ended up driving him.  (Also, I was drunk, which is why I can't recall everything correctly.)  Anyways, it was just no fun.  I had to sober up quick.  And of course, you're quite stressed and hoping you wouldn't get stopped so you have to be extra alert.  (We used to kid ourselves that you end up being more careful driving when you're drunk because you don't want any reason to get stopped.). Anyways, I think I his car to my home and then he took over the rest of the way.  I think so anyway.  It's totally possible I might have driven my mom's car that night.  Pretty irresponsible of me to not plan it out and drive home drunk, if that were the case.  But I'm not sure.  That was pretty much the only time I did it though.  I was like, never again.

These days, when we drive, I only drink when my wife is with me.  She then drives us home.  She doesn't drink so she ends up being designated driver.  I pretty much drive every where else every other time.  So it's pretty much an unspoken deal.

But anyways, it's really just not worth it.  As much as a drink might be nice to have.  I think they can actually take your car, too, if you're drunk enough.  And of course, the hassle of getting into any accident, drunk of sober, is just really annoying.  So back at that team dinner, it was kind of awkward watching everybody else drink, and saying no when I was offered on, and sitting there sipping on water, but none of that tempted me, even though it was just a quick ride back to the hotel.  

I would not want to be the guy to cause an accident because I was drunk or buzzed.  I don't want to cause damages to other vehicles.  I don't want to hurt anyone.  And definitely don't want to endanger people's lives.

I'm just thinking about Johnny Gaudreau's death, and it's just so senseless.  From what I read, it happened on a quiet street, where you don't expect a lot of cars.  I don't know why you would want to be speeding in that kind of situation.  You should just chill out and deal with it, even if you're in a hurry.  

People need to just relax overall.  Everybody is speeding with nowhere to go.  At the end of the day, you are only saving a couple of minutes, or even just a few seconds.  

In the past year or two, I have begun using cruise control more.  Driving has been more peaceful with it.  I set to just over the speed limit and then sit back and relax.  Cars just drive around me, and I'm just chilling.  Occasionally there's an asshole who will cut you off very close (and that would have set me off years ago), but overall drives just pass and move on with their lives.  I like it.  I plan ahead so I'm not late, and I don't stress out when there's traffic.

I used to be a speed demon, and would get pissed off a lot.  I would stress out when I had to slow down.  I would drive around other cars, change lanes to get ahead, and tailgate and cut other people off.  And when we got to the destination, I was exhausted.  It takes a toll physically and mentally.  But nowadays, I get there and I'm fresh and relaxed.  And then I enjoy the rest of the day more. 

And it doesn't really matter if I do end up late.  Sometimes you can't control traffic, and you have no choice.  But you get there.  And most of my trips are with my family.  So either way, we're together.  And we get there alive and safe.  And we didn't hurt anyone on the way.

I was reading some things about this news last night.  Actually, scanned over them, more like.  I thought it was a hoax.  It just didn't seem likely that a superstar hockey player would die at such a young age.  And then this morning, I found that it turned out to be true.  Totally unexpected.  I wish nothing like that would happen to my family.  I am scared of tragedies.  I have been since having my first son.  I always look twice when I cross the road and try to be safe in my travels because I always want to make it home to them.  I remember watching this nature show where this baby bird is waiting for its parent to come back and he never does and the baby is just crying out, and I felt so bad for it.  I don't want that to happen to my children.  I always want to be there for them.  I always hug them and kiss them and tell them that I love them.  I think I'm going to do that now.

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