Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Is there not a word for describing when you have to pee?  Like, we have words for wanting to fill our body, such as hungry and thirsty, but no single words for emptying.  When we need to go, we have to make a statement.  I have to pee.  I gotta go.  I am going to burst.  There's no single word description for it as far as I know.

Anyway, that's why I went to the doctor.  Because I get peeish a lot.  (I don't think peeish is a real word; autocorrect turned it into perish.).   And it's been affecting my sleep.  I wake up at least once a night, and sometimes two or three.  

I have been peeish for a long time now, maybe over 20 years.  I mentioned this to my doctor and he never really seemed concerned.  I kinda noticed it around college when I used to drink a lot.  In the mornings after I take my coffee, I would have to pee right away.  And I could smell the coffee in my pee.  

I didn't really follow up much with my doctor either.  Honestly, I was scared to find out something was very wrong.  But recently I decided I needed to address it, mainly so that I could be around for my kids and my wife.  

Fortunately, when I went to the doctor to go over my bloodwork, he found nothing wrong.  No cancer, no diseases, no diabetes.  Everything seemed to look good.  Unfortunately, that doesn't solve the peeishness problem.  (I don't think peeishness is a real word; autocorrect turned it into peevishness.)

He prescribed me some muscle relaxers.  Supposably, it should relax my bladder so that it's not so active.  The only side effect is feeling groggy, so I shouldn't operate heavy machinery after I've taken it.  As usual, I overthink things and worry too much, and the whole day I was anticipating taking it and stressing out, imagining just having no control over my muscles or just my heart not being able to take it or something like that.  Especially since my older son had practice and my wife would be taking him so it would just be me at home with my nine year old.

So I did take it before bedtime.  And I felt fine.  I didn't really get sleepy, mainly because I was thinking and worrying too much.  But I did feel relaxed all night.  I still did wake up to pee, but it was not the pee that woke me up, it was just that I woke up so I just peed.  If that makes sense.

We will see what happens tonight.  Hopefully, the second time around will be better and I can actually finally sleep through the night.  I was only able to do that basically like once in the past year.  I'll tell you more about that later.  But I slept like a baby then.  

If it still doesn't work, I will have to see a urologist.  My doctor recommended one, but I forgot to call them to schedule an appointment.  They will probably be closed for Labor Day, too, so I might have to wait a while.  One of the things they should be able to do is a bladder scan.  And one thing I am hoping we wouldn't need to do is a cystoscopy.  My doctor showed me a picture of the procedure, and uh, it wasn't pretty.  They basically insert a tiny tube into your urethra.  He assured me it would be all right since they give you anesthesia.  But as I said before, I tend to think too much, and if I had to go through it, it'll be tough to unimagine what they are doing to my wee-wee.

Actually, I should see the urologist even if the muscle relaxer helps me sleep.  Because I will still need a fix for when I'm awake.  But hopefully a bladder scan is enough and I won't need a cystoscopy.  I think I will also need a prostate exam.  My doctor told me that and he made the finger motion while suggesting it.  You know the one.  Not quite looking forward to that either, but would gladly take it over getting a tube inserted into my wee-wee.

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