Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Well, there's no single word for needing to pee, as far as I know.  I don't think there's one for needing to poop either.  If there was a word, what would it be?  Pooish?  I don't think pooish is a word because autocorrect turns it into polish.

I used to poop once a day.  Pretty regularly.  When I first started working around 2005, I would have my banana nut muffin and coffee, and immediately a few minutes later I would be feeling pooish.  Before the clients would come and before my coworkers arrived, I would go into the work bathroom and take care of business.  It was quick.  In and out.  That was my routine for a few years.

We have moved locations since then.  The next office in 2009, we had to share a bathroom with other businesses.  So I was never really comfortable going in there when anyone can walk in at anytime.  The previous location was just a small private bathroom with a stall and a urinal, but I was able to lock the main door.  And again, I was pretty quick.  In and out.  I think I did go sometimes in that second location, but it was not a regular thing.

And then we moved again I think in 2010.  We had a private bathroom for our office, but there were a lot of colleagues there.  I didn't really like it there.  And I was pretty irregular at that point.  Also, kind of a weird thing, but our bathroom had a shower.  I don't think anyone actually used it though.  It's funny but I can't picture what it actually looked like.  I can barely even remember where it was located on the office floor.

And then we moved again to Long Island City in 2015.  This was a warehouse location.  I do remember going sometimes, but again, not regularly.  There were like two or three stalls, and I remember one time one of them was clogged and we had to put a sign not to use it.  Mostly, I came and went as I pleased.  I would take my time coming in in the morning and arrive around 10 and then just quietly disappear around 2pm.  I was terribly underpaid and I had been there too long.  I quit that job around 2017.

I got another job at a big TV network.  They actually had a bunch of bathrooms.  I liked walking around and going into the offices and control rooms and studio sets.  Pretty quickly, I noticed which bathrooms were not busy at certain times of the day.  I still did not have a regular schedule, but I was able to poop in peace.  It also helped that I mainly worked nights and weekends so there were usually less staff available.  Later in Spring 2018, I became a staff member and worked during the day.  I found some quiet spots but again was not always very comfortable.

I got a different job in the summer of 2018.  We had a couple of bathrooms with private locks.  It was not a stall type situation so I didn't care at this point.  I still didn't have a regular schedule though.  There was actually a third bathroom with stalls but I only used it when the other two were occupied.

Part of that job required traveling to clients' offices.  I don't think I ever went at any of them.  Except probably the one client up by Boston because I was there for a couple of days and nowhere else to go.

Somedays, after a client visit, I would just head home.  Usually around 1 or 2pm, I would be like, I'm done.  Sometimes my supervisor would ask where I was, and I'm like, "I'm headed home.  Do you need me back?"  And he would just be like, "I guess not".  Okay then.  And being home was where I was most comfortable.  

In March 2020, I got another job.  It was at a big building, and we had multiple floors.  My first day of orientation, it was kind of one of my concerns because there were definitely a ton of employees.  There were no quiet sanctuaries like my TV network job.  But fairly quickly that same day, a Monday, talk began about possibly sending everyone home because of the pandemic.  On Tuesday, we were planning Work from Home.  On Wednesday, we began sending people home.  On Thursday, it was just our team and maybe a couple other skeleton crews in the entire building.  On Friday, we were working from home, too.  So I never got to go regularly there.

And I've been mainly working from home since.  Not to brag, but I actually have four toilets in my home.  I typically don't have to wait if I have to go.  There are four of us in the house, so at least one bathroom is always free.  I have been kinda regular, usually going in the morning.  But working from home with my own executive washroom available at any time, I sometimes go at other times, too.  I have been taking Metamucil from time to time and that seems to help.

The only things that screws me over is my kids' hockey schedules.  Sometimes they have early games so that can throw me off.  And sometimes there would be tournaments where we are away all weekend.  But overall, it's been good.

Anyway, what's my point.  I guess things are good.  Overall.  Looking back, things definitely have improved in my life.  I still want to do better, but I guess I should keep things in perspective.  Life ain't so shitty.

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