Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Snow Ticket

I just didn't have a good title so I called it Snow Ticket.  I had a tech refer to my request before as a snow ticket.  I was thinking, snow?  Did that evolve from waterfall maybe?  Whatever.  Eventually I realized SNow was just short for Service Now.  All righty then.


Anyways, taking a break from all the hockey posts.  I remember sometime last year when it was snowing.  I was at work in New York City, and I wasn't sure whether Rusty's school would close early.  It started coming down around noon but wasn't too heavy.  Students were dismissed at the regular time.  I wasn't too worried anyway because Rusty takes the bus and walks home.

Well, around three o'clock or so, I get a Duo call, and it's Rusty.  He forgot his keys.  I reminded him he should check that everyday before leaving the house.  I said it would take me around an hour to get there, but Mom works just five minutes away.  So he calls her, and she has to scramble and leave.  The boss lets her go, but she would have to wait a few minutes.  It took her about a half an hour to finally get home.  Rusty froze his butt off waiting in the snow.  I think he had to pee, too, but he just made some yellow snow.

My wife drove home, and when we have the car, we open the garage and enter through the door there.  Later that evening, I get home.  I grab the door knob and find it unlocked.  So I come in and ask Rusty, "Did you know the door was unlocked?  Did you even try to open it?"


And then, we look under the mat and find a spare key there.  I think the old tenants left it there the whole time.  So yeah, Rusty froze his but for over a half hour with the door unlocked and a spare key under the mat.


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