Sunday, September 22, 2024

Summer Shows

Even though I wasn't too crazy about "Saved By The Bell", it had become part of my routine of shows to watch in the late afternoon.  However, in the spring of I think 1992, Channel 11 started airing ads for a new show in that time slot, 5pm weekdays.  It was called "Swans Crossing", and the characters were also teenagers.  I figured it would be kind of like a sitcom also, but it turned out to be like a soap opera.  I tried to watch a couple of shows but couldn't get into it.

And then if I remember correctly, they also replaced "Charles in Charge" at 5:30pm with "The Hogan Family".  I had seen glimpses of this show on some weekend on either the same or another channel.  I was really into WWF wrestling at the time, so when I saw the title, I thought it would have something to do with the wrestler.  I wasn't really much into change and didn't really get into this unfamiliar show, but I didn't really have much of an option, not having cable, so I think I did just leave this on.

I didn't go to summer camps or any vacations in the summer.  I stayed home in our one bedroom apartment while my mom went to work.  And I had TV as my company.

On weeknights at 7pm, "Star Trek: The Next Generation" came on on Channel 11.  It replaced "A Different World" and I can't remember whatever show followed it.  I did tune in to it.  I thought it was interesting enough.  From time to time, I would switch between this and "Jeopardy!" and "Wheel of Fortune" after it.  And then I think TNG also aired again at 11pm or something.  Can't remember exactly, but I remember staying up watching it while my mom was already asleep.  I wasn't really into it for the sci-fi stuff, but I did like the storylines and the characters.

During weekdays, there would be morning cartoons, of course.  Very early on, there would be "The Flintsones" and "The Jetsons".  Then "Ninja Turtles" and "G.I. Joe".  These were on Channel 11, WPIX.  But Channel 9, WWOR, also had cartoons, I believe.  I think one was "James Bond, Jr.".  Reruns of "Silver Spoons" and "Who's the Boss?" also came on on Channel 9 around 10am I think.  Around this time, they would air a brief "Community Calendar" of stuff going on.  This usually was just text over b-roll of shots of New Jersey scenes.

Channel 11 also started airing "Batman", the 1960s series.  Twelve year old me thought it was cool.  I realize now how campy it is, but back then I didn't find it corny or anything.  

In the afternoon, there was "Small Wonder" on Channel 5, the Fox channel.  I liked it at the time.  I thought the robot was cool, and I found the show funny.  Now, of course, I find it pretty cringey.

And then later on there would be cartoons again.  That was how I spend my days as a twelve year old in Jersey City in 1992.  I didn't have sports.  I didn't go to camps.  I didn't go on vacation.

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