We were by the water. There was stuff happening before, of course, and as with most of my dreams, I can't remember the earlier stuff. I think we were walking or driving around this vacation type place. This was probably in the Philippines. I have had dreams about being there off and on this past year. We were looking towards a bridge and the scenery around it. And then just then, the lights went off. Not that it was too bright to begin with. It seemed to be around dusk, and I think the lights on the bridge would be on regardless of time of day. I couldn't really see if the lights on the houses or other buildings had been on or not, and I could barely make out the structures anyway. They were few and far between. There seemed to have been a brown out, and I feel like the tour guide type guy urged us to stop and look around because we don't always see the place in its natural light. Or darkness. Not that it was that dark as there was still some daylight around. It wasn't shadowy. It was kind of just tinted like.
And then it was suddenly actually dark. It switched to nighttime just like that. There was some kind of a floating thing or device with a light, and it came from the deeper part of the water towards me. I was on some kind of wooden dock maybe near the shore. As the device got closer, it would light up the area right in front of it. As it got towards me, it showed that there was some kind of poop somewhere. I can't remember if it was on the water or the ground, but I remember it being revealed that there was poop there. It seemed to be the cartoonish, almost emoji like, at this point. Or like the way they would show poop on the show "Rick and Steve", very plastic like.
So then I walked away from it. I was kind of by myself as this lighted floating device thing was coming. I joined the rest of the group, and we continued on. Then it wasn't that dark again. It was back to the original tinted light. We were on some grassy, dirt area, and we were headed back towards a concrete or paved path. There may have been a vehicle awaiting us. As I looked down on the ground, I saw that there was poop everywhere. Like massive amounts. Like you could hardly see the dirt on the ground because it was all surrounded by poop.
I either woke up around that time, or the dream continued to parts that I don't remember. I have an idea of how this kind of imagery manifested. I have been running a bit again recently, and I noticed piles of poop all over our neighborhood. Especially after when it snows, people don't seem to care about picking up after their dogs when they go. It has been pretty bad recently, and the other on this path I ran by, there was poop every few feet on either side of me. And I usually look down when I run so I know where I'm stepping. (When it rains, I try to avoid stomping the numerous worms that come out.). So I can't avoid seeing the mounds left behind by messy hounds.
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