Sunday, January 19, 2025

Queue Tips: Grey Gardens (1975)

I was watching "Grey Gardens" the other day, and I remember feeling that it reminded me of another documentary I had seen before.  I thought hard about which one it was, and after a while I realized it was "Bright Lights", which is about Debbie Reynolds and her daughter Carrie Fisher.  And then after thinking about it some more, I realized that was the reason why I had intended to watch "Grey Gardens" in the first place.  After watching "Bright Lights", I read a review about it and the article mentioned that it reminded the writer about "Grey Gardens".

Anyways, so yeah, there is a similarity in that it does kind of give you the same vibe.  And it is about an elderly mother and her daughter.  They apparently live together in this mansion called Grey Gardens.  But unlike Reynolds and Fisher, I don't think these two ever really accomplished much.  They just happened to be related to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.  And unlike "Bright Lights", it doesn't end with the two subjects dying in the end.

It's interesting enough, I guess.  I can't say I identify with the subjects though or admire them in any way.  At some points, the daughter keeps talking about what kind of man she wants or something, in kind of a picky way, I guess.  Kind of reminds me of this "Kids in the Hall" line.

It did kind of remind me of my old days as a video editor.  Sometimes I would be working with home videos or something, and I would get to see glimpses of people's lives like this.  And then I also had a client who were kind of like the subjects.  They were clients with nice houses and things and knew people and stuff.  Too many to write about right now.  I also had a client who would just constantly talk and opine during the edit sessions.  It was nice getting to know them though, I guess.  But overall, I just didn't really identify.  I hope they are doing all right.

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