Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Don't Be Squishy

I have been running again, kind of sort of semi regularly.  When I run, sometimes random words or phrases come into my head.  They just keep repeating and keep me in rhythm.  Some of those can be, "Hey, how are ya.  Hey, how are ya."  If you keep running for a long while, it can get really annoying.  But they are stuck in your head.  You can try to change it up, but the alternative can be finding an even more nonsensical phrase.  And they do evolve.  And they can be maddening.

Anyways, the other day it was raining a bit so today the ground was wet.  And sometimes you have no choice but to tread on the grass because of the routine of the path I take.  So at some points as I approach a grassy spot, I say in my head, "Don't be squishy, don't be squishy, don't be squishy."  That was the phrase for today.  The past few days actually.

At some points, it was not, but at some points it was squishy.


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