Monday, November 18, 2024

Queue Tips: Crazy Heart (2009)

Apparently, "Crazy Heart" is not the sequel to "Crazy Rich Asians".  Actually, I have never seen "Crazy Rich Asians", although I am Asian.  And yes, I am crazy.  But no, I'm not rich.  I think if I watched it, I would just be thinking the whole time, "I am not a crazy rich Asian.  They are crazy rich Asians, but I'm not."

Anyways, I might have a crazy heart myself, I guess.  But what does that mean?  I know I haven't exercised in a while, so yeah my heart is probably a little crazy these days.  

I first watched this movie many years ago when it first came out on DVD.  It begins with Jeff Bridges' character in a bowling alley.  It reminded me of "The Big Lebowski", the bowling movie.  I guess I kinda couldn't get over that so I couldn't really get into the movie at the time.

I watched it again today and actually enjoyed it.  At first, I really enjoyed the rapport between Jeff Bridges and Maggie Gyllenhaal's characters.  I liked their exchanges and liked how their relationship developed.  I wasn't too crazy about it though when it turned romantic.  He was just so much older than her.  I also hoped to watch something that didn't have to be about sex.  I kinda wanted them to be more of a platonic parent and child relationship.  Maybe they should have made her character a little older and closer to his age.  But at the same time I can see how she could actually fall for him despite the age difference.

Her character had a child, and his character grew fond of him.  You can kind of see it coming that something would get messed up at some point.  And it did, and that was the last he saw of him.  It's sad, but it happened and she did what was best for her child.

I really enjoyed the music.  I should buy the soundtrack.  Okay, maybe I will do it.  Early Christmas present for me.  You should do it, too.  Early Christmas present for you.  Unless you're reading this at a later time than when I am writing it.

I think I will reason to the soundtrack while I write the sequel, "Crazy Heart 2: My Crazy Heart Will Go On".  It's gonna have a big giant ship.  And it can't slow down or your heart will explode.  When you see it, you will say, "That's crazy!  How is that even possible?!"  And then when it becomes a huge hit, I will finally be a crazy rich Asian.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Queue Tips: Commando (1985)

Apparently, "Commando" isn't just about a guy walking around with no underwear.  It's some kind of action movie with Arnold Schwarzenneger.  

It starts off with him living in a cabin in the woods somewhere very remote.  I wonder whether he used to be some kind of a drug lord cooking up meth and had to get a new identity to get away from the bad guys or something.  But actually, no, he's not alone.  He is living with his daughter, Alyssa Milano.

There is then this montage of him and his child spending time together.  He even trains her to fight.  He teaches her to arm wrestle and find extra strength by turning his cap backwards.  Oh wait, that's a Sylvester Stallone movie.

In this movie, he has a daughter.  She was then kidnapped by the bad guy.  Or in other words, taken.  He then uses his set of skills to look for him, find him, and kill him.  (Spoiler alert!)

What is a commando anyway?  Is that Spanish for command?  Or is that how the British pronounce commander?  

When I was growing up, commando meant not wearing underwear.  And I did that a lot.  Me and my cousins never wore underwear until we were around ten years old.  One time I was talking to this young man, either an older relative or someone who worked for the family, and I think I said something like I need to wear underwear.  And he was like, "Why do you need that?  You're only a child."  Or something like that.  But the point is that like, that was just not expected for kids to wear, like it was a waste of money spending on that.  But yeah, I did wear briefs eventually at around nine or ten years old.  I'm not sure about my cousins though.  The boys cousins, that is.  I'm pretty sure the girls did wear them even at a younger age.

But back to the movie.  In the beginning, the bad guys just spray bullets towards Arnold and Alyssa and their bodyguards, basically not caring who and what they hit.  Somehow, they run though his rain of bullets and survive unscathed.  The two bodyguard soldiers die though.  They then kidnap Alyssa.  Not sure if that was planned, but again, they could have killed her moments ago, so what then?  And then a little later, they capture Arnold and hold him at gunpoint.  But they don't kill him.  Again, they basically didn't care if he lived or died moments ago, but now they keep him alive.  So then stuff happens and he ends up killing them.

Speaking of being a kid, I watched this a few times as a kid with my cousins.  I'm sure we liked it, but I didn't remember much about it.  When I moved to America, it was aired on Channel 9 at some point in the early nineties.  I watched a bit of it, but then channel surfed and I think forgot to put it back on.

It looks like they never made a sequel to this.  I wonder why not.  It seemed to have been a hit.  Alyssa became a big star later on in the nineties.  I wonder if they ever thought of reuniting the two together.  I wonder what the plot would be.  Maybe Arnold's character Matrix, has just been killing people in a simulation all along, and then he works as a housekeeper to provide a better life for his daughter and falls in love with his boss lady employer.