Friday, February 18, 2022

Queue Tips: Relive and Let Die

How did Paul McCartney know that when I was young I used to say, "Live and let and live"?  And that in this ever-changing world in which we live in, I say, "Live and let die"?  He must have been spying on me.

I have been re-watching James Bond films recently to kind of re-live the experience of seeing them when I was a kid.

There's a bunch of cringey moments in this movie.  One of them is a black taxi driver joking that if given enough money, he would drive his white passenger to a Ku Klux Klan meeting.  Later on, there is a white sheriff continuously referring to a black suspect, a grown man who is bigger than him, as "Boy".

Is it called "Live and Let Die" because instead of actually killing Bond, the bad guy just tries to let him die?  The more and more I watch these films, the more I wonder what makes one a fan of James Bond, the movie series and the character itself.  I don't hate them.  I can see how they can be mindless fun.  I just don't see how a person could actually be into it.  As I said before, it's basically a live action cartoon.  With sex and nudity.  Oh, now I get it.

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